Hello patient members
Your BMMSL executive wish to provide you with a current update on the potential to have some form of a reduced season. We have been hard at work getting things ready incase they remove the emergency order and we can resume playing.
Maybe you have heard that the sports diamonds will be open only to 10 People Max for training only. We expect more info from our Mayor Patrick Brown regarding the safe opening of ours and other leagues. We are ready to go at a moments notice as we have picked teams and procured new umpires for our league and have brand new baseballs just waiting to be used. We have devised a 10 game regular season plus 3 playoff dates although it will be shortened the longer we wait. I know this has been a trying time for everyone but we will hold out hope for at least 2 more weeks in the event the emergency order is lifted. By all means if you feel can’t wait and require a refund please contact our Treasurer Mary Wilson to facilitate that process.
Yours Truly
BMMSL Executive!