Article 1 - Name

The association shall be known as the Brampton Mixed Masters Slo-Pitch League and BMMSL for short form.

Article 2 - Aims and Objectives

To promote fun and enjoyment as well as camaraderie, sportsmanship and the spirit of fair play throughout the league.


It is the intent of The Brampton Mixed Masters Slo-Pitch League to be a fun recreational draft league in which players
Male (35 and older) and Female (30 and older) of varying abilities may play with equal enjoyment.

               Absolutely no BULLYING, INTIMIDATION, SUBSTANCE ABUSE, OR FOUL LANGUAGE will be tolerated.

Article 3 - Membership

A person becomes a member once their registration payment has been received by the Treasurer with their player registration form. Membership shall consist of mainly Brampton residents with a max of 20 % from outside the Brampton city limits.

Membership shall abide by the rules and or bylaws set forth by duly elected or appointed officials.

The newly elected officials as voted on at the yearly AGM meeting shall set the league membership fees on a yearly basis pursuant to the ebbs and flows of the yearly expenses required to operate the league and maintain our aims and objectives.

Player registration dates will be determined by the incoming executive.

New players cannot join the league after week 12 of the regular season, without authorization of the Executive.

Anyone leaving the league after June 1st, will not qualify for a refund. Players leaving due to extenuating circumstances, after the 3rd regular season game, may be reviewed and taken into consideration by the Executive. Any refund will not include the cost of the jersey unless the jersey can be reused.

Article 4 - Affiliation

The BMMSL shall be affiliated with the City of Brampton and operate under the terms and conditions of the affiliation policy.  BMMSL will follow SPN guidelines.  All players must complete an SPN profile at the beginning of the season for proper insurance coverage.  SPN rules will be followed, unless BMMSL Executive has determined revisions or additions are required for the betterment of the league or to address current issues or opportunities.

Article 5 - Management

The duly elected officials, the executives, of the league are mandated to make any decisions necessary and to act within the scope of the constitution and bylaws within the regulations and policies of the City of Brampton and more specifically the executive shall:

  • Appoint standing committees or members to perform special duties or projects as required.
  • Hold league meetings or special meetings as required.
  • Have the power to decide on any matter not covered in the constitution or bylaws.
  • Hold office until the conclusion of the year end banquet.
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Maintain the books and accounts of the league and make them available for audit once yearly usually at the year-end Annual General Meeting (AGM).

​​​​​​​A year-end financial statement shall be prepared by the treasurer and submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Brampton upon request.

Article 6 - Association Committee

The League Executive shall consist of the following:

  • President
  • Past President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Spares Coordinator
  • Executive At Large
  • Social Director
  • And any number of additional appointees determined by the duly elected officials.

Each team will have one executive member assigned to their team if possible

Article 7 - Elected Officials/Executive

Duties of elected officials to be submitted to league members at AGM. Only registered members can hold an executive position.  The league executive shall be elected at the AGM and serve a one-year period ending with the conclusion of the year end banquet. The new executive must hold a meeting within one month of the year end banquet.

All Executives

  • Shall be instrumental in setting up social functions i.e., year-end banquet, year-end BBQ and any other function that the league decides to partake in.
  • Shall be required to support each other’s positions as needed.
  • Shall be members of the league.


  • To demonstrate to all the membership the camaraderie, sportsmanship, and spirit of fair play expected from all players.
  • To oversee the operation of the league – hiring and coordination of umpires.
  • To represent the league including master of ceremonies at the year-end banquet.
  • To call and chair league meetings deemed necessary to operate within the policies and guidelines set forth by the city of Brampton.
  • To be responsible for delegating tasks that are required to run the daily operations of the league and to maintain the aims and objectives here in.
  • To act as a signing officer in conjunction with the Treasurer on all contracts and other legal matters, including booking of diamonds with the City.
  • To host and lead the player draft.

Vice President

  • Shall perform such duties as assigned by the President and stand in for him or her when required. 
  • Shall be responsible for creating the season schedule and playoff schedule.
  • Shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining all equipment and boxes including balls as well as maintaining keys and the locks for the boxes.


  • Shall prepare and distribute all league correspondence, documents, memos resulting from league meetings as well as any correspondence from outside sources.
  • ​​​​​​​Shall take and prepare minutes of all meetings scheduled or of an emergency nature and shall distribute copies to the league officials and league members as required.
  • Shall prepare and distribute player lists to team captains as well as the league rules and the upcoming league schedule.
  • Shall forward any pertinent info to our Website manager for swift relay of info to our league members.


  • Shall be responsible for the league finances.
  • Shall report directly to the League President and/or Vice President.
  • Shall pay all debts incurred from the league account. All expenses over $50 dollars must have league committee members approval.
  • Shall annually prepare a financial statement to be presented at the annual AGM and Parks and Rec Department upon request.
  • Shall have a financial report available for each league meeting.
  • Shall act as a signing officer along with the president or other authorized executive.
  • Shall manage all transactions and contracts and payments for an itemized and accurate account.

Spares Coordinator

  • Shall maintain a spares list to be used on a weekly basis to assist teams that will be short people due to various reasons.
  • Shall contact members to play with in their scope of requirement. (See Rules – Use of Spares)
  • Shall ensure that spares used during championship and consolation games are only from teams eliminated in the playoffs.

Executive At Large

  • Shall manage attaining sponsors and jerseys.
  • Shall perform or assist in any duties as defined by the President or Vice President.

Social Director

  • Shall be instrumental in setting up social functions i.e. year-end banquet, year-end BBQ and any other function that the league decides to partake in.
  • Shall book the registration and meet the team night with help of anyone who has contacts.
  • Shall perform duties as defined by the President or Vice President. (i.e. selling 50/50 tickets etc.)

Past President

  • Shall serve in an advisory capacity to the executive.

Article 8 - Organizational Rules & Responsibilities

If more than one (1) rainout during the season, the executive will attempt to hold or schedule double-headers to make up for the missed games.

All league expenditures require itemized receipts.

For the 2025 season, the executive will endeavor to schedule and make possible all games played to 7 innings.

Team Jerseys/Shirts

Team shirts/jerseys will remain the property of the league until the end of the season. Players leaving the league must surrender their shirts to their Captain. Any player who refuses to surrender their shirt will be barred from the league in the future and the cost of the jersey will be deducted from any refund entitlement.

All players are required to wear their league issued jersey during play.  Any player taking the field, not wearing the current year, league issued jersey, will be deemed out for their first at bat, but will be allowed to field a defensive position. After three (3) games without a jersey that player will not be allowed to play until the issue of the missing jersey has been resolved to the satisfaction of the executive and a replacement jersey ordered at the player's expense. All spares who play on a current team are required to wear their current year team jersey while sparing for any of the other teams.  The Executive reserves the right to waive this policy in exceptional circumstances, such as not having a jersey assigned due to late registration.

Captain’s Responsibilities:

* To Know The League Rules *

  • To support the league in promoting good sportsmanship and fair play.
  • To attend the draft and ensure that their team is, on paper, on par with the other teams once the draft is complete.
  • To work with the Executive member on the same team to handle any issues or opportunities that arise throughout the year.
  • To educate players concerning play rules, league intent, encourage players to be ready for their batting turn.
  • To ensure that players abide by his/her and other captains' or umpires' decisions during games.
  • To keep score, or have score kept, in a prescribed manner.
  • To maintain league equipment and to report equipment needs (including first aid box needs which includes 2 ice packs) to the league Vice-President.
  • To install bases for home games & remove bases after the last game.
  • To represent the team at team meetings.
  • To coach players who are overly aggressive in play or vocally aggressive.
  • To notify the spares coordinator when a spare or replacement player is required for their team.
  • To check on consistently absent players or report players who consistently give short notice of absence.
  • To bring problem players to the attention of an Executive.
  • To report game results to the President after each league game.
  • To rate their players at the end of the season prior to playoffs.

Player Responsibilities:

  • It is the responsibility of each individual player to inform his/her team captain should he/she be unable to attend a scheduled game (i.e. illness, injury, vacation etc.) as soon as possible.  PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE!
  • A player, who misses three consecutive games or a total of five games without a reasonable excuse or without notifying his/her captain, will be removed from his/her team without a refund.  The Executive Committee will attempt to replace a player with another player of the same sex and playing ability.
  • Any issues, clarification or concerns by a player need to be presented in writing, via email to all executive members.

Article 9 - Player Conduct & Suspensions

PLAYER CONDUCT - All team members including executives, captains and other players are considered responsible and may be held liable for the following:
Bullying, harassment, verbal abuse, physical abuse, unsportsmanlike conduct, directed at team members, opposing players, league Executive or officials or any conduct considered by League Executive to be detrimental to the sport of slo-pitch softball or the BMMSL organization and its personnel.

PENALTIES - The BMMSL League Executive have the discretion to impose penalties and/or fines ranging from suspensions to expulsion from the League, depending on the severity of the offense.
Any player, captain or executive who is suspended from the league for the remainder of the season, shall not be refunded in any way and is not permitted to attend any other league functions (i.e. AGM, banquet, etc.)

Anyone suspended/removed from the league will not be refunded their league fee.
Suspended players who wish to rejoin the league, when permitted (following year, etc.) will only be accepted after all other

returning players are offered player spots first. 

Article 10 - Meetings

A quorum for any Executive meeting shall be met with the presence of the President and the Vice President and the other executive members.
Each executive member shall have one vote on any issue where a vote is agreed to be needed to resolve or put forth a suggestion for improvement of the league. The president will only vote if there is a tie. Matters taken to a vote will be decided on a majority basis.

The order of business shall be as follows:

  • Minutes of the previous meetings shall be reviewed
  • New correspondence
  • Unfinished business
  • Treasures report if required
  • Other reports
  • President’s reports or remarks
  • New Business

Article 11 - Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The annual general meeting shall be held no later than Oct 31 of the current playing season. All captains and league members to be notified of date, time and location.

Notice of motions, correspondence, constitution amendments must be made in writing 2 weeks prior to the AGM in order that we may keep the meeting time manageable.

No article of the constitution or bylaws shall be amended and or rescinded without agreement of 2/3 majority of league members present at the AGM.  Eligible voting members are those who have paid their fees for the season to the Treasurer.  Only BMMSL members are allowed to attend the AGM, and a record will be kept of those attending. Players who were injured during the season and received a refund are still invited to attend and vote at the AGM.

Article 12 - Player Ratings

At the end of each season the captains will be asked to rate all players on 10 criteria, worth 10 points each, giving a total score of 100. In determining if players are rated properly, all players of the same sex and same score will be grouped together for review to ensure fair and relatively equal ratings. The executive will review these ratings and may only adjust a player rating by virtue of a majority vote. These ratings are then to be used for creating the following year’s teams after the blind draw.  

Article 13 - Blind Draw Team Selection

Each player can ask to play with one other person only. The league will do their best to keep those 2 people together.  Exceptions can be made at executives’ discretion for new players in their first year of play only or in the need to keep teams balanced.

To create teams as fair and equitable as possible, based on ratings the team selection procedure will be as follows:

  • Gather all captains and whomever is attached to them. Each captain draws blind, a sponsor and anyone possibly attached to the sponsor.
  • Next, draw for a primary pitcher if they don’t already have one. Playing partner goes to the team, as applicable.
  • Each captain then draws blind, 2 infield females, one at a time and whomever is attached to them goes to each team if they don’t already have 2.
  • Each captain then draws blind a shortstop. Playing partner goes to the team, as applicable.
  • At this time all remaining players go into hats based on ratings. Multiple hats as needed with ratings for groups / couples / singles etc.
  • Ratings are tracked through the draft and used in all picks if needed and at this point the team with the least number of players blind picks from the biggest group first then
    so on through the smaller groups as needed by ratings and overall team ratings at that point.
  • No team can have more than 2 pitchers, any third pitchers picked get put back and coaches draw again.
  • If necessary, after looking at total points for all teams, you will move/trade players from weaker teams and stronger teams for overall equity.

Updated: October 2024